Hi all!
As you already know (unless you’re a part of the cast of Big Brother Germany, that is), most of the world is trying to slow the spread of the coronavirus, or COVID-19, by staying indoors. Some cities and counties in the United States have even issued a shelter in place order, placing legal ramifications on people who leave their homes for non-essential purposes. This means we’re all about to spend a lot more time in our houses.
As disappointing as it is to have to cancel all of our plans for the next few weeks, this doesn’t mean we can’t have any fun at all. No, you don’t have to spend the next few weeks on your couch answering endless Buzzfeed quizzes or reading every post on r/all. Here are x creative ways to have fun during quarantine!
1. Learn a new skill.
Have you spent the last few years secretly wishing you knew how to shred on the guitar like Carlos Santana? Have you always wanted to learn to speak French before your next trip to Paris? Well, now is a great time to start!
You could also spend your time picking up a new skill or certification related to your career. Try searching Udemy.com or Coursera.org; both have a huge selection of courses for almost any skill you can imagine.
2. Clean out your house.
Embrace the spirit of spring by tackling your spring cleaning! What’s better than using the next two weeks to deep clean your home? You can even set aside clothes, items, or furniture you no longer use and resell them to earn some extra cash. Anything helps, right?
3. Work on your side hustle.
Speaking of reselling, now is a great time to grow your side hustle!
Fun fact- for the last few months I’ve been reselling old clothes on Poshmark. I’ve already made over $1500 getting rid of clothes that no longer fit. One of my main goals next week will be listing all of my remaining items so I can clear out space in my closet!
4. Catch up on your favorite TV shows.
Have you always wanted to watch every single episode of South Park? Well, now you finally have time to! Put that Disney Plus subscription to good use and catch up on old favorites or find something new to love.
5. Read a book.
Not a TV person? No worries- these next few weeks are a great opportunity to read any books that have been sitting on your bookshelf. Personally, I can’t wait to re-read The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and a couple more old classics.
6. Improve your fitness from home.
You don’t need to give up on your fitness regimen during quarantine. There are plenty of at-home workouts available online that will keep you in shape until gyms reopen. I’ll be posting a few bodyweight workouts on my Instagram feed to help keep you in shape, and there are plenty of other resources available online with a variety of creative ideas!
Also, now could be a great time to improve your cardio and take up running. Just be sure to keep to paths that aren’t busy and continue to practice social distancing.
7. Train your dog.
Humans aren’t the only ones who may get bored during two weeks indoors. Keep your pup busy by teaching him new tricks!
Not gonna lie, I’ll be surprised if my dog Max finishes quarantine without learning at least 5 new tricks. He’s already learned how to jump on command, and we’re working on learning how to high-five. What’s cuter than a dog who can high five, am I right?!
8. Play a new video game.
Already a gamer? Now’s your chance to play the 20 games sitting in your Steam Library that you impulsively bought during the Steam Winter Sale or on Humble Bundle.
Not a gamer? That’s okay! There are plenty of great games for newbies that are really fun and will keep you busy for hours on end. Civilization VI, Mario Kart, and Forza Horizon 4 are a few of my current favorites.
9. Embrace board games.
Stuck indoors with family, roommates, or a significant other? Why not play a board game together?
Board games are an entirely underrated indoor activity. In the past few years, we’ve seen a huge rise in indie board game companies. We’re no longer living in an era of only Monopoly, Scrabble, and Clue. Try picking up a new game- Exploding Kittens and Settlers of Catan are two great ones.
10. Complete that project you’ve been putting off.
Everyone has that one really boring, lengthy, or time-consuming task that they’ve been putting off for forever. Why not knock out that task during quarantine? For me, that task is repairing an old gaming PC. I’m excited to knock it off my list this weekend.

Note: This post was originally published on Ciao by Shay on March 18, 2020. It was migrated to Happy Health Stylish upon my blog’s rebranding when I subsequently laughed that I thought quarantine would only last for a few weeks instead of a year.