Hi all! We’re less than two weeks into quarantine for COVID-19. Schools, workplaces, and all non-essential businesses have shut down. Remote work has been encouraged for many industries, and social distancing has greatly limited our activities. Gyms and fitness studios are closed, and it’s tempting to give up your workout routine altogether.
However, it’s more important than ever to stay healthy. Not only does exercise give you more energy, it helps decrease your stress levels and boosts your immune system in the long run.
Here are 5 great ways to stay in shape during the COVID-19 outbreak:
1. Running and Jogging
If you’re anything like me, running is your least favorite method of exercise. However, it’s a great choice of workout during quarantine. Running is an obvious way to increase your cardiovascular endurance. Plus, it’s a great way to step outdoors for a bit during a time when many of us are starting to go stir-crazy.
Are you worried about running outside during quarantine? No need- I’ve found it’s very doable to maintain social distancing while running outdoors. Make sure to run in areas that aren’t very crowded- avoid busy city streets or areas near grocery stores or other essential businesses. If you do encounter other runners or pedestrians on your path, simply step to the side and let them pass at a safe distance.
Before running outdoors, check your local city’s policies for COVID-19. Most cities that have mandated shelter-in-place orders allow for running, jogging, or other outdoor activities such as walking your dog, but it’s best to double check before heading out.
If you really can’t get over your aversion to running, try biking instead!
2. Bodyweight Circuits
Bodyweight circuits are a great way to improve muscular endurance, which can help increase your energy levels and overall fitness. Plus, they don’t require any equipment.
There are several resources available online that provide great bodyweight workouts. The subreddit r/bodyweightfitness has a great recommended routine to follow that focuses on strength and mobility. Plus, it contains modifications to adjust the routine to fit your level of fitness.
3. Dumbbell Only Workouts
Do you own a couple of dumbbells? Great! You can incorporate dumbbells into many of the bodyweight exercises above to add extra difficulty. If you’re an experienced weightlifter, you likely already utilize dumbbells in many of your workouts. Alternatively, you can substitute dumbbells for barbells or stationary machines in several other exercises.
If you don’t own dumbbells, try substituting other heavy objects around your house. However, make sure to use common sense and caution when doing this to avoid injury.
4. Resistance Bands
Resistance bands are another great way to improve muscular endurance while stuck at home. Most common compound weightlifting exercises such as bench press, deadlift, and bent-over rows can be modified to use resistance bands. Many assistance exercises such as bicep curls, tricep extensions, and face pulls have resistance band variations as well.
5. Yoga
Let’s face it: the coronavirus outbreak is stressful! Why not try yoga to help you relieve stress and anxiety during quarantine?
Yoga connects movements of the body with focused breathing and meditation. Yoga can also help increase your strength and flexibility.
There are many wonderful resources available free of charge online to help you learn yoga. All you have to do is search “yoga” on YouTube to find classes of various lengths and difficulties. Plus, many yoga studios have started to livestream classes during quarantine. Check your local studios for availability.
6. Rucking
Rucking is another great way to improve your cardio and get a bit of sunshine during quarantine.
What is rucking? Rucking is walking outdoors while carrying a weighted backpack. You can purchase a special backpack and weight here, or you do what I did and throw a dumbbell or heavy book into a backpack you already own.
Rucking progression is pretty simple. Every time you ruck, you want to either increase your pace (i.e., walk a further distance in the same amount of time) or increase the weight that you are carrying.
So there you have it- 6 great ways to stay fit and active during quarantine! If you need any equipment recommendations, check out some of my favorite at-home workout gear below.
Note: This post was originally published on Ciao by Shay on March 24, 2020. It was migrated to Happy Health Stylish upon my blog’s rebranding.
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