I feel like I say this every month, but October has been a whirlwind.
I’ve been traveling a lot lately over the past 6 months. Traveling is one of my greatest outlets, but it’s stressful to travel with my work schedule.
Since I don’t get time off, I have to work crazy amounts of overtime before and after every trip to make sure projects aren’t derailed by my absence. I feel like I’ve either been on vacation, working 12-16 hour days to make up for being on vacation, or sleeping to make up for early mornings and late nights. It’s been stressful and it’s not sustainable. I haven’t had a lot of time to take care of myself, and I’ve had even less time to create content- hence only posting 6 outfit photos for the entire month of October!
With all of this stress, my energy level has hit zero. It almost wasn’t a surprise when I caught COVID during the tail end of my trip to Las Vegas this month.
I’ve decided to take a couple months off of traveling. I’m going to enjoy the holiday season at home in California. I need a couple of months to rest, relax, and figure out a way to make my work schedule a little less hectic.
I can’t wait to see what the next couple of months bring me. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but- hopefully it’s not exciting!