Hi, and welcome to my new blog- Happy Healthy Stylish!
Nearly two years ago I launched my first blog, Ciao by Shay. While I loved creating content, I became frustrated with the type of content I was creating.
Ciao by Shay was overtaken by posts of me sharing my daily outfits. As much as I love fashion, it was boring to create the same type of content over and over again. I began to drift away from the goal I held when I first began blogging: inspiring people to be the best version of themselves and discover joy and balance in their daily lives.
Not to mention, posting only daily outfits isn’t representative of who I am as a person. Again, fashion is very near and dear to my heart and one of the main ways I express myself. However, I was spending far too much money on my wardrobe and purchasing more clothes than I knew what to do with. I didn’t want to accidentally inspire anyone to purchase more clothes than they needed or worse, to put themselves into debt!
All in all, it was time for a change.
Happy Healthy Stylish was created to be your guide to living a balanced lifestyle. I’ll still post about fashion, but I’m also branching out and featuring more health, lifestyle, and home content!
Instead of shopping my daily outfits via blog posts, you can shop my daily style on LIKEtoKNOW.it or by following me on Instagram.
I’m so excited to share more of my life with you!