I’m beyond late posting my Instagram recap for February, but hey- better late than never!
I began February by flying to Dallas to visit two of my best friends. Our trip was great, but was interrupted by a surprise ice storm that took out the power! We spent several stressful hours trekking across Downtown Dallas in shared ski gear to find food and to buy groceries, only for the power to turn back on as soon as we got back to the apartment. Oh well; it made for a hilarious story.
Stephen and I returned home from Dallas to a busy couple of weeks at work. Stephen began a new workout plan, while I resumed physical therapy for an injury.
A few days before Christmas 2021, I hurt my shoulder doing Incline Bench Presses at the gym. I wasn’t able to move my arm at all, so I consulted my doctor. Unfortunately, my injury was pretty serious- I tore my pectoralis major, tore my pectoralis minor, tore my bicep, tore my rotator cuff, tore two tendons, and potentially fractured my collarbone. Since shoulder surgeries are intense and difficult to recover from, my doctor opted to send me to physical therapy for a few weeks. His plan was to closely monitor my recovery for several weeks before deciding if I was a candidate for surgery and ordering an MRI.
While my recovery was very slow, I steadily regained mobility and strength each week. At the end of February, I was cleared- I didn’t need surgery! However, I won’t be able to resume a normal workout plan until May or June at the earliest.
My shoulder injury may have kept me away from weightlifting, but it didn’t stop me from exercising. I rode my exercise bike almost every day in February, and I completed several bodyweight leg workouts. At times it was tough to stay positive, but I was grateful for the opportunity to improve my cardiovascular health.
I didn’t focus on fashion too much in February. It’s difficult to find the motivation to look cute when you can’t get dressed without help. However, I managed to put together these looks below!